Grizzly Man

As part of the newly-established and awkwardly-named Monday Night Movie Night, we summer Morrisites watched this, while eating homemade soft pretzels:

I had heard the story before.  My parents, who honeymooned in Alaska, subscribe to Alaska Magazine.  I remember reading, several years ago, about Timothy Treadwell and his tragic death.

After watching “Grizzly Man,” a documentary about Treadwell’s life with and ultimate death by the bears, I went into the kitchen to help clean up the piles of spilled flour and bits of dough.  “He didn’t do anything!”  I ranted.  “He was out there by himself, not protecting the bears from anything, really.  It was more for him than for them!”

Mark, coming in with hands full of empty cups, said quietly, “It made him happy.”

I guess it did.

I don’t know that I can recommend the documentary, purely because I feel it’s poorly made.  Interviews were conducted rather awkwardly, and even thought the subjects often had profound, interesting stories about Treadwell, I missed their meaning as a viewer because they were posed strangely, or they were grossly animated when describing the audio tape recording of Timothy and Amie’s death.  In fact, I got the distinct feeling that the director was often poking fun at Treadwell.

Yes, Treadwell was a character.  Yes, he could be silly, and outrageous, and bafflingly affectionate toward the bears.  But the documentary, as a testament to his life’s work, focused a great deal on what Treadwell did wrong, even going so far as to include the director’s commentary on Treadwell’s failings:  He was paranoid about nonexistent poachers, he ventured too close to the bears, he tampered with nature’s course, he viewed the bears as ultimately peaceful creatures who could be somewhat tamed with kindness and patience.

Yes, but it made him happy in an Alexander Supertramp kind of way.  That’s what I would have liked to have taken away from the film.

Mother’s Day =

Mother’s Day=

1. Early morning dog wake up

2. A gigantic cinnamon roll for breakfast

3. A three-hour drive home

4. A trip to a local pottery sale (no luck finding a bowl to match the one we already have, but the “potters for peace” bumper sticker we saw made up for it)

5. More driving in Wisconsin, this time searching for a good place to eat lunch

6. Famous Dave’s?  Yep.

7. Ice cream afterwards?  Yep.

8.  Late afternoon yard work.  Mom mowed, I attempted to trim the bushes.  Despite high aspirations of hedges shaped like rabbits and William Shakespeare’s bust, the results were rather scraggly.  Mom was too nice to say so.

9.  Redbox rental: Something Borrowed.  I was indignant that the main character was allowed to have her man and her happy ending after committing serious moral offenses.  And that the best friend (Kate Hudson), who, yes, had her faults, but who was ultimately the victim in the situation, was somehow portrayed as the bad guy.  And John…poor John Krasinski…the best friend/writer.  The one person in the movie who actually deserved to be in a relationship at the end of it…was ditched in London.  That seems to happen to writers a lot, doesn’t it?  I give it two out of five stars, mostly because John was funny.

10. Next Food Network Star.  Anyone?

11.  Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!  Love you!